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Improving Product Finder & Site Search 

A 3 month long follow up project after updating Lumen’s Product Finder and Site Search pages. Using user research and UX strategy to identify the problems and determine the proper steps for improvement.

My Role

Remote Lead User Researcher,

UX Strategist

Project Duration

3 - 4

month project

Area of Focus

Site Searching, Product Finding, & Filters


This project comes after updating site search and product finder pages, with the goal of finding which improvements worked and which didn't. Then use those findings to determine what needs to be changed, followed by prioritizing which solutions could be done based off of the resources and goals of the team.

If you want to jump ahead to view the background, different iterations or final design you can click on their respective links below and it would take you straight to that process.

1. Background

2. The Research

3. Research Results

4. Prioritizing Solutions

Previously, the Site Search and Product Finder was not up to standards based off of user research and competitive analysis.

What was done?

Improved tools to make filters more robust and convenient to use

Users would have the tools necessary to narrow down the search based off of their preferences. 

Internal metadata change, to enhance the search results

Users are able to get the searches that they expected, and not some page that is unrelated to what they are typed in.

After 6 months we came back to see how has the improved Site Search and Product Finder performed.

What do we want to learn? 

What are we facing?

What we ended up doing?

Asset 10.png

Need to test two pages within set time?

Focus on the filter and search tools, & keep the user from going on tangents.

Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 5.01.32 PM.png
Asset 18.png

Not enough moderated testers?

Added unmoderated testers into the test. 

Asset 15.png

Need personas?

Ask them about their expectations and their previous experience.

Asset 11.png

Need to deliver the analysis in short time?

Limit the test to desktop only, and follow up with mobile.

The results? It meets expectations!

These positives were found based off of what the tester's said and what was observed on BOTH pages.


"It's detailed enough for me to search what I want."

Detailed filters allow the users to easily narrow down their preference


"Lorem ipsum."

Results a responsive and its what they expect when using the search or filters tools.


"Lorem ipsum."

Overall it works the same as other websites that use the same system.

Other positive responses

Site Search Page:
The search bar 

In the site search page, the search bar was toute3d as easily identifiable and convenient to use. 

A link to the visual design specs 

So that the users can switch between specs rather than having to go and find each individual link.

Actual Interactions that the devs can interact with. 

Have the developers play around the module itself so that they can use the module in real time.

More detailed showcasing of responsive design

Including screenshots that show how each module changes from desktop, small desktop, tablet, and mobile.

However, the devils in the details

These issues were found based off of what the tester's said and what was observed on BOTH pages.


"...why does it decrease when i click on more?"

Testers expects the results to increase the more filters they choose.


"I clicked on it, but it didn't do anything."

Testers express confusion in how the category buttons function.


"Oh I didn't know that there was a search bar here."

Overall it works the same as other websites that use the same system.

Other specific issues that were expressed

Site Search Page:
Results take too long to load 

Based on the tester's expectations, they expect quick response times from especially from a network company.

Product Finder Page:
Product tiles not enough info

Some testers expressed the information provided is not enough for them to make decision.                    

Site Search Page:
Filters are too broad

A couple of testers have expressed confusion as to what they are doing.

Product Finder & Site Search
Customizing results

Few testers expressed they want to customize how many results are shown in at a time, instead of clicking on the "Show More"

Iteration 1: What it looks like

The Changes